Sustainability at Lockyer Valley Mitsubishi

At Mitsubishi, we take our environmental commitment very seriously. We recognise that our vehicles impact on the environment in various forms as they go through their lifecycle of production, use and recycling. For this reason, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact in the following key areas:

Improving our Environmental Management - by:

  • Designing more environmentally sound and sustainable vehicles.
  • Obtaining ISO Certification for our planning and development activity.
  • Training our employees, publishing email magazines and hosting educational sessions to ensure all stakeholders are informed and aware.  
  • Periodically auditing our facilities and completing resource recovery operations.
  • Improving our communication regarding environmental issues with the general public and communities in which we operate.

Preventing Global Warming & Environmental Pollution - by:

  • Improving our fuel economy and reducing vehicle emissions.
  • Utilising refrigerant, conservation-type air conditioners in all new vehicles.
  • Conducting target-based activities to reduce our use of electricity, fuel and other types of energy.
  • Developing low-emission vehicles, including investigating an electric vehicle that emits no carbon dioxide.
  • Taking steps to make the cabins of our vehicles more comfortable and safer by reducing emissions and utilising bio-clear filters.
  • Requiring all suppliers follow our management of hazardous substances guidelines and disclosing data on their use.
  • Complying with industry and environmental regulations regarding air, water, noise and vibration.
  • Running awareness campaigns promoting ‘eco driving’.
  • Collecting chlorofluorocarbons and disposing of them in an environmentally responsible manner.

Recycling and Resource Conservation - by:

  • Promoting reuse and recycling wherever possible.
  • Endeavoring to maintain a zero-volume final disposal record by reducing the volume of waste generated and converting from thermal recycling to material recycling.
  • Promoting the return of packaging - by designing racks and shipping boxes that can be compressed from one-third to one-tenth their size after delivery.
  • Collecting and disposing of used polypropylene bumpers and airbags.
  • Finely separating and storing the large volume of waste generated during maintenance and repairs. Much of this material is then sold as scrap metal or for other purposes.

In January 2011 MMC formulated its Environment Initiative Program 2015 to pursue interim targets toward achieving the objectives of MMC’s Environmental Vision 2020. We are actively pursuing our environmental conservation initiatives on an integrated, Group-wide basis.

The MMC Environmental Policy that underpins corporate management’s environmental conservation initiatives.

Basic Policy

Mitsubishi Motors recognizes that protection of the global environment is a priority for humankind and as such makes the following pledges:

1. Taking a global perspective, we are committed to harnessing all our resources to achieve continuous reductions in the environmental impact of all our corporate activities, spanning development, procurement, production, sales, and after-sales servicing of vehicles.

2. As a good corporate citizen, we are committed to take actions that protect the environment at the level of local communities and society as a whole.